Half a Chance (1998) is a thrilling action comedy that follows the story of a car dealer who becomes an ex-convict and gets caught up in a dangerous plot. Framed for a robbery, he must clear his name while dealing with police corruption and unraveling a web of deceit. With adrenaline-pumping car chases, explosive car crashes, and a race against time, this movie keeps you on the edge of your seat.
In war-torn Chad, a hotel pool attendant is forced to give up his job to his son when the hotel owner decides to support the war effort. As the man searches for his missing son, he grapples with the unfairness of his dismissal and the devastating consequences of the conflict.
A road movie about three persons traveling in a campervan on their way to Tokyo, Hamamatsu, and Kyoto. The film is based on the story of the heroine, a young girl named Momo, who was a member of the "21 Faces of Kaijin" gang involved in the Glico Morinaga Incident, and the film's ideas are remarkable, including the use of a tape recording of the actual incident.
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