The Navigator is a silent film comedy that follows the misadventures of a millionaire and his girl as they find themselves on an abandoned ship, running aground on an island, encountering a cannibal tribe, and ultimately trying to find each other. With slapstick comedy and hijinks, the film is a classic example of the genre.
In an effort to redeem himself, a politician becomes the superintendent of a corrupt reform school. He tries to bring about positive change but faces opposition from the school's corrupt staff and powerful gangster. He must navigate politics and corruption to save the children trapped in the reformatory.
A story about inventor who invented a cool bike and goes on racing competition but has a lot of problems on his way.
George is an inept reserve policeman working in wartime Liverpool, who is chosen by a gang of Nazi saboteurs as the stooge for their planned destruction of the British battleship HMS Hercules. Framed by the villains and forced to go on the run, George sets out to clear his name with the aid of new girlfriend, Jane.
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