Terror Tract is a dark comedy horror anthology that takes place in a suburban neighborhood. It follows the lives of various residents who encounter terrifying and bizarre situations, including a real estate agent caught in a web of infidelity, a young couple dealing with a vicious animal, and a husband who discovers his wife's affair. The movie explores themes of suburban life and the nightmares that can lurk behind closed doors.
Spymate is an adventure-filled comedy that follows the story of a secret agent chimp and a child prodigy who join forces to thwart the plans of an evil scientist. With their unique skills and determination, they must save the day and ensure the safety of the world.
In the movie 'Shakma' (1990), a group of medical students find themselves trapped in a laboratory as they are attacked by a crazed baboon. As they try to escape, they must solve puzzles and find hidden passwords to survive. With blood splatter and intense gore, this B-movie creature feature combines elements of horror, science fiction, and thriller genres.
Shamsher Singh, who is involved in criminal activities, decides to get the better of Kundan, a cop, after realizing that he is a threat to him.
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