Operation Buffalo is a dark comedy TV show that takes place in the Australian outback in the 1950s during the British nuclear tests at Maralinga. It follows the story of an indigenous Aboriginal community and their struggles with the British government's atomic weapons testing program. The show explores the complex dynamics between the indigenous people, the Australian government, and the British political forces.
Oppenheimer is a TV mini-series that tells the story of J. Robert Oppenheimer, an American physicist who played a key role in the development of the atomic bomb during World War II. The series explores Oppenheimer's life and work at Los Alamos, New Mexico, where he led the Manhattan Project, as well as the personal and ethical challenges he faced. Set in the 1930s and 1940s, Oppenheimer provides a captivating glimpse into the fascinating world of nuclear physics and its potential for destruction.
During the Cold War, a technical glitch mistakenly sends a US bomber group towards Moscow with orders to drop a nuclear bomb, causing a race against time to prevent a devastating nuclear war.
Canadian Bacon is a satirical comedy about a fictional war between the United States and Canada, sparked by a conspiracy and political cover-up. A group of misfits, including a mounted police officer and a defense worker, must try to prevent a doomsday device from being used. With political corruption, media hype, and international relations at stake, they embark on a comedic journey to save the day.
Near the end of WWII a lone U-Boat is sent from Germany to Japan carrying plutonium needed for a Japanese A-Bomb. During the long journey, news arrives on the radio that Hitler killed himself and Germany has surrendered. This causes a rift in the crew, the Nazi Party members wanting to continue to Japan since they are still at war, while the others just want to surrender or return home.
The serial sees Professor Bernard Quatermass of the British Experimental Rocket Group being asked to examine strange meteorite showers. His investigations lead to his uncovering a conspiracy involving alien infiltration at the highest levels of the British Government. As even some of Quatermass's closest colleagues fall victim to the alien influence, he is forced to use his own unsafe rocket prototype, which recently caused a nuclear disaster at an Australian testing range, to prevent the aliens from taking over mankind.
In the year 2008, during a blizzard in Colorado, the US Vice President is snowed in a diner with a television crew. As news of an impending nuclear attack on Iraq unfolds, the Vice President must make a decision that could have catastrophic consequences. With tensions rising and political debates intensifying, the diner becomes the center of a high-stakes political standoff.
Truman is a biographical drama movie that follows the life of President Harry S. Truman as he navigates the challenges and decisions of his presidency in the aftermath of World War II. From his involvement in the Manhattan Project to his relationship with powerful figures like Douglas MacArthur and Franklin D. Roosevelt, Truman faces corruption, international relations, and the pressures of the Cold War.
A group of communist spies plan to blow up an essential commercial artery, the Panama Canal. To this end, they have kidnapped a nuclear scientist and are traveling by steamship to the coast of South America. Luckily for western civilization, the hard-nosed ship's captain, played by Barton MacLane, has other ideas.
Discover the history and consequences of atomic weapons testing through archive footage and interviews with survivors. Explore the impact of these tests on the environment, human health, and international relations.
Maralinga Tjarutja is a documentary movie that explores the history of the British atomic bomb tests in the 1950s in Australia, particularly focusing on the impact it had on indigenous land rights. The film delves into the struggles faced by the indigenous Australian population and sheds light on the long-lasting effects of the nuclear weapons testing.
Silent Storm (2003) is a documentary that sheds light on the aftermath of British atomic bomb tests in Maralinga, South Australia. It discusses the radioactive contamination, toxic residue, and human experimentation resulting from the tests. The film also explores the long-term effects of radiation on the population and the environment, including bone cancer and leukemia cases. Through interviews and archival footage, Silent Storm exposes the dark history of nuclear weapons testing during the Cold War.
Professor-turned-spy Col. Calvin Turner and his associate, workaholic Lt. Shelley Flynn, plan a daring rescue behind enemy lines in World War II German-occupied Norway of a brilliant scientist who may or may not be aiding the Germans.
30 avril 1962. La guerre d'Algérie est terminée depuis deux mois, mais Charles de Gaulle a négocié avec le FLN lors des accords d'Évian la poursuite d'essais atomiques dans le désert du Sahara. Sous les yeux des officiels réunis dans un poste d'observation situé à 5 km du lieu de l'explosion, le Taourirt se fissure libérant un nuage radioactif : ce sera l'accident de Béryl.
A documentary looking at the British Government's atomic weapons design, construction and testing on the Australian Monte Bello Islands in 1951.
Leading to War is a documentary that delves into the factors and decisions that led to the outbreak of a major conflict. It examines the role of key individuals and their actions, including the axis of evil, the secretary of state, and the vice president. The documentary explores themes of terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, and the Iraq war, providing an in-depth analysis of the events and motivations that shaped history.
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