In Oppenheimer, the film explores the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer, an American scientist who played a pivotal role in developing the atomic bomb. The plot follows Oppenheimer's journey from his time as a young doctoral student to his appointment as the director of the Manhattan Project during World War II. The film delves into Oppenheimer's personal and political struggles, his encounters with influential scientists, and the moral dilemma he faced. Oppenheimer's story is told against the backdrop of the historical events and political climate of the time, highlighting the consequences of his groundbreaking work and the initiation of the nuclear arms race.
In a distant future, Duke Leto Atreides leads a group of desert warriors in a rebellion against the galactic emperor and his father's enemy, the Harkonnens, to liberate their desert planet Arrakis from the emperor's control. With the help of the Fremen, a nomadic people living on Arrakis, Leto's son Paul Atreides rises as a messiah figure and fulfills the prophecy of the Kwisatz Haderach. As Paul and his allies fight against the emperor and the Harkonnens, they must face betrayal, political intrigue, and their own fears. Ultimately, Paul becomes the new ruler and brings peace to the galaxy.
Manhattan follows a group of scientists working on the top-secret Manhattan Project in Los Alamos, New Mexico during World War II. The show explores their personal lives, relationships, and the moral implications of creating a weapon that has the power to destroy entire cities.
In a post-apocalyptic Neo-Tokyo, a biker gang member gains powerful psychic abilities, becoming a threat to the city. A teenager and his friends, along with a group of psychics, must stop him.
In a post-apocalyptic world where a deadly virus has spread, four friends embark on a dangerous journey to reach a safe place while facing various challenges and threats along the way.
After French nuclear tests turn an iguana into the giant monster Godzilla, it heads towards New York City, destroying ships and fishing fleets along the way. Scientist Nick Tatopoulous studies mutations caused by radioactivity and joins a team tasked with handling the Godzilla phenomenon. Meanwhile, a news reporter named Audrey tries to steal the story and discovers that Godzilla is pregnant. With the help of the French Secret Service and the military, they locate Godzilla's nest in Madison Square Garden and destroy it before the hatchlings can escape. Godzilla is eventually killed, but one egg survives.
Operation Buffalo is a dark comedy TV show that takes place in the Australian outback in the 1950s during the British nuclear tests at Maralinga. It follows the story of an indigenous Aboriginal community and their struggles with the British government's atomic weapons testing program. The show explores the complex dynamics between the indigenous people, the Australian government, and the British political forces.
After a series of shipwrecks and unexplained phenomena, a giant creature known as Godzilla emerges from the ocean and begins to terrorize Tokyo. As the city falls into chaos, a group of scientists and officials frantically search for a way to stop the rampaging monster before it destroys everything in its path.
Oppenheimer is a TV mini-series that tells the story of J. Robert Oppenheimer, an American physicist who played a key role in the development of the atomic bomb during World War II. The series explores Oppenheimer's life and work at Los Alamos, New Mexico, where he led the Manhattan Project, as well as the personal and ethical challenges he faced. Set in the 1930s and 1940s, Oppenheimer provides a captivating glimpse into the fascinating world of nuclear physics and its potential for destruction.
In a dystopian future, an undercover cop infiltrates a crime lord's organization in order to take him down and rescue a kidnapped woman. As he navigates the dangerous world of organized crime and corruption, he must confront betrayal and face off against a sadistic villainess. With explosive action and thrilling chase sequences, he fights to bring justice to a decaying urban landscape.
CIA analyst Jack Ryan is tasked with preventing a Neo-Nazi group from detonating a nuclear weapon at a football game in Baltimore, sparking a conflict between the United States and Russia's President. Ryan teams up with CIA Director Cabot to investigate the disappearance of three Russian nuclear scientists and trace the bomb's origin. As tensions escalate and the threat of nuclear war looms, Ryan races against time to stop the extremists and avert a catastrophic conflict.
With firsthand accounts and access to prominent figures around the world, this comprehensive docuseries explores the Cold War and its aftermath.
The Saboteurs is a TV mini-series set in Norway during World War II. It tells the story of a group of Norwegian resistance fighters who sabotage the German occupation's efforts to develop an atomic bomb. The series explores the challenges faced by the resistance fighters and their determination to prevent the Nazis from obtaining nuclear weapons. Based on a true story, The Saboteurs is a thrilling drama filled with action, suspense, and historical significance.
A fake Fabergé egg recovered from a fellow British secret service agent leads James Bond to uncover a jewel smuggling operation headed by the mysterious Octopussy, and a plot to blow up a NATO air base. Bond infiltrates Khan's palace in Rajasthan, defeats him in a game of backgammon, and escapes with the real Fabergé egg fitted with tracking devices. Bond discovers that Khan is working with Soviet general Orlov to expand Soviet control in Europe. Bond teams up with Octopussy to deactivate a nuclear warhead primed to explode during a circus show at a US Air Force base.
After being trapped in a nuclear bunker for 35 years due to paranoia about the Cold War, a man emerges into the present day and must navigate the challenges and changes of modern society in Los Angeles. Along the way, he forms new relationships, falls in love, and learns about the world that has evolved while he was isolated.
In the height of the Cold War, an eccentric general launches a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union, sparking a desperate attempt by politicians and generals to stop a full-scale nuclear war.
In the midst of the Cold War, a small town in California becomes the battleground for an intense alien invasion. As giant Martian tripods devastate the Earth, a determined scientist and a brave soldier join forces to fight back and save humanity from annihilation.
Emperor is based on the true story of General Douglas MacArthur as he investigates Emperor Hirohito's role in World War II and the surrender of Japan to the US military. The movie explores the complexity of US-Japanese relations and the challenges faced by both sides during the occupation.
After her Nazi father is convicted of treason, Alicia is asked to gather information on a ring of Nazi scientists in South America. She agrees to the mission and goes to Rio de Janeiro, where she encounters her former suitor, Alexander Sebastian. Alicia marries Alexander as part of her mission, but their relationship becomes strained as she falls in love with her partner, Devlin. Eventually, Alicia and Devlin discover that Alexander is manufacturing uranium and working on a war machine. Alicia grows sick from poison, but with Devlin's help, they rescue her and reveal Alexander's true intentions to the group.
Spy Hard is a comedy film that parodies the spy genre. It follows Agent WD-40 as he tries to stop an evil general from launching a missile. With ridiculous sight gags and over-the-top humor, Spy Hard is a hilarious guilty pleasure.