Slam Dunk is a TV show about a delinquent student named Hanamichi Sakuragi, who joins the Shohoku High School basketball team in order to impress a girl. Despite his lack of basketball skills, Sakuragi's athleticism and passion for the game help him become a valuable player. Alongside his teammates, Sakuragi faces various challenges on and off the court as they strive to become the best in Japan.
Yuri Katsuki, a Japanese figure skater, suffers a crushing defeat at the Grand Prix Final and returns home in despair. However, after a video of him skating to the music of Russian figure skating legend Victor Nikiforov goes viral, Victor decides to become his coach and help him regain his confidence. As Yuri battles his anxieties and navigates intense rivalries on the ice, he also finds himself falling in love with Victor.
A romantic sports drama depicting the passion and affection for badminton of a male and female protagonist who are a mixed doubles group with players from the commercial badminton team.
Burning Kabaddi (2021) is a TV show about a high school student who joins a kabaddi team and experiences the thrill of the sport. As he becomes more involved in the world of kabaddi, he discovers a newfound passion within himself. The show highlights the camaraderie, competition, and personal growth that comes with being part of a team.
Racket Boys is a heartwarming TV show that follows a group of young badminton players as they strive for success in a rural town. Led by their dedicated coach, the team faces various challenges and learns valuable lessons about friendship, teamwork, and determination.
Elite sprinters navigate training, media scrutiny and fierce competition in this sports series following their race to become the world's fastest humans.
This docuseries takes an unconventional approach to the epic tale of the famed reality-competition show. What begins as a traditional sports documentary soon gives way to bigger themes of greed, divergent narratives, and ultimately questions how history itself is written.
Transgender high school athletes from across the country compete at the top of their fields, while also challenging the boundaries and perceptions of fairness and discrimination.
Based on the book White Circus by Ken Read, this is the story of the Canadian skiing legends that became the first North Americans to crack the Euro dominated World Cup Circuit in 1975
A 1966 short documentary showing athletes in action at the 1966 National Amateur Athletic Union track carnival in New York. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.
"The Road to OVC Champions" takes you inside the 2023-24 season of Morehead State Men's Basketball. This student-produced documentary offers an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at the team's relentless pursuit of the Ohio Valley Conference title.
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