Nostalgia for the Light is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the connections between astronomy, archeology, and political history in the Atacama Desert of Chile. The film explores the search for answers and truth in the vast expanse of the universe and the archeological remains buried in the desert sands, while also shedding light on the atrocities committed during the military dictatorship in Chile. It reveals how the quest for knowledge and understanding can bring forth painful memories and contemplation of the dark past.
Susan Slade is engaged to Conn White, but her secret engagement and illegitimate pregnancy threaten to ruin her life. She embarks on a ship voyage to find happiness and love.
An adaptation of Hattie Naylor's play, Ivan and the Dogs, which follows the true story of Ivan Mishukov, who walked out of his Moscow apartment at the age of four and spent two years living on the city streets where he was adopted by a pack of wild dogs.
The biodiversity of Peru is explored. From giant otters, sloths and birds in the rainforest, or guanacos and bears in the hills, to penguins, sea lions and vultures on the beach, everyone must protect their young and fight for survival.
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