The Sarah Jane Adventures is a thrilling TV show that follows the life of journalist Sarah Jane Smith and her team as they investigate and battle aliens. With the help of her super-computer Mr. Smith, and her young neighbor Luke Smith, they go on exciting missions through time and space, encountering extraterrestrial beings and facing dangerous challenges. Along the way, Sarah Jane forms a strong bond with Luke, who becomes her loyal sidekick. Together, they protect the Earth from various threats while dealing with personal struggles and adjusting to their extraordinary lives.
In the foggy woods, a hedgehog becomes lost and encounters various objects and creatures that heighten its anxiety and fear. With the help of a mysterious stranger, the hedgehog embarks on a journey to find its way back home.
In 'The Great Rupert,' a down-on-his-luck family discovers hidden money, tucked away by a squirrel, which helps them in their financial struggles during the Christmas season. The squirrel's antics and the family's misadventures make for a heartwarming and comedic tale.
Akira is widowed and left with a pre-teen stepson. Travelling with him to her late husband's hometown, she meets her odd father-in-law and yet decides to make a go of living and working there. She attends training and joins the railway company where her father-in-law works and her late man dreamt of ending up as a child.
The Good Death is a 2018 documentary that explores the complex and controversial topic of euthanasia. It presents various viewpoints and personal stories of individuals who advocate for the right to choose a dignified death. The film raises important ethical and legal questions surrounding end-of-life decisions and challenges societal taboos. Through interviews, expert opinions, and intimate narratives, it dives into the emotional and moral complexities surrounding the debate over euthanasia.
Two swim-team members, a hairless boy and a hirsute girl, discover the pangs and tangles of first love.
The mental breakdown of a guilt-ridden man provides the drama in this fascinating psychological profile starring Richard Attenborough as a scientist who can't live with himself after he accidently kills the brother of his fiancee.
Two dogs, Polkan and Shavka, watched a flock of sheep by the river. Suddenly, they notice a hare, chase after him and run into the forest, where they meet face-to-face with three wolves. Shavka, chickening out, backs away, and the brave Polkan takes the fight. In a fierce fight, he manages to defeat one wolf, but from wounds he loses consciousness.
A bunny lived in his house on the beautiful meadow. One day he decided to play with butterflies and bees, running after them on the emerald grass and snow-white flowers. But they flew farther, taking the baby away. Then suddenly he realized that he found himself far from his native house and tall trees surround him and he does not know where to go. What to do?
Dotty is an old woman living in an assisted living facility. She struggles with her memory and uses new technology to help her navigate her daily life. With the help of a caregiver, Dotty learns to embrace the challenges of aging with patience and a sense of humor.
A cross dresser helps three whores on their search for rich husbands
A short story about a boy who is honest and courageous despite being paralyzed.
What do you do when you're pregnant and alone? That question's all too real for 22-year-old bohemian East Village artist Chloe, who's left with an unexpected pregnancy after a one-night stand with a sexy stranger. Battling ghosts of her past that she has tried to forget and facing an uncertain future, Chloe must choose between abortion or adoption, with either option leading to potentially dire consequences. Torn between her options, she finds comfort in the arms of a wild-child lesbian performance artist named Ana Blue and support in a mysterious stranger named Carlos, who may or may not be whom he appears to be. Chloe, A to Z deals with women's reproductive rights, pansexual relationships, and the ever-changing cityscape of New York. It features the spectacular locations of Coney Island, Times Square, and the East Village.
'The Coasters" is a character driven feature documentary that explores the lives of the people living on the Lower-North-Shore of Quebec namely: the Coasters. Anglophone, francophone and first nations innu communities share the isolation of this barren land where there are no roads to the outside world. Every season brings a different challenge for these hardened canadians who live of the land and the sea. They all wait for winter, for when the frozen water and the snow offers the proper conditions for snowmobile travel. Then, the world is theirs. For almost a century, hockey tournaments, carnivals and dancing nights take place every weekend all up "The Coast" in a different village. People that left the region for lack of work comes back for this moment frozen in time, knowing that everytime they come back home, might be the last.
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