The Boys is a gritty crime drama that follows a psychopath, his ex-convict brother, and a parolee as they become entangled in a series of violent events. Set in Sydney, Australia, the film explores themes of family relationships, anger, lust, and the consequences of grievous bodily harm. As their story unfolds, the characters navigate the complexities of the criminal underworld, leading to a tragic event that changes their lives forever.
Girlhood is a gripping drama that follows the story of a young girl who finds herself in a brutal world of crime and violence after being sent to a juvenile detention center. As she tries to navigate this new and dangerous environment, she is confronted with the harsh realities of life and must find a way to survive.
Sadegh and his wife manage a tea house in the way between Ahvaz and Andimeshk south of Iran. One night in his absence a friend of him who is a truck driver comes to his place and the wife is getting killed. The police are after the murderer but Sadegh who seeks revenge begins to kill the truck drivers on the way. This put him in fronting the law.
A courtroom comedy! In this short we follow suspect Mr. Wilson (Clyde) as he explains the events leading to him hitting brother-in-law Homer Healy (Jack Shutta) with a monkey wrench. This was Andy Clyde's last short film for Educational Pictures.
A teenage prank ... a suburban nightmare
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