Sleeping with Other People is a comedy-drama that follows the story of Jake and Lainey, two people with a history of serial infidelity who meet at a support group for sex addicts. They form a close and platonic friendship, supporting each other through their struggles with commitment and love. As they navigate the challenges of relationships and personal growth, they start to develop feelings for each other, leading to a complicated and hilarious journey of self-discovery and emotional vulnerability. With witty dialogue, relatable characters, and a feel-good romance, Sleeping with Other People explores the complexities of love, friendship, and the choices we make.
In Solo mía, a woman endures emotional and physical abuse from her husband, leading her to contemplate leaving him. As her situation worsens, she must find the strength and courage to break free and rebuild her life. The film explores themes of domestic violence, resilience, and the power of self-determination.
The story of a group of friends who reunite for their annual 4th of July weekend only to be confronted by Chad, a strange and beautiful nature photographer who begins to change their lives one by one.
The Ride is a heartwarming drama about a troubled teenage boy who is given an ultimatum by his teacher: either join a trail ride or face consequences. Through the experience of horseback riding and the support of a surrogate family, the boy finds redemption and learns valuable life lessons. Along the way, he encounters various obstacles such as a stolen pickup truck, a poker game, and a mechanical bull. As the story unfolds, the boy's journey becomes a tale of solidarity and resilience.
The Baron is an aging, cynical lady's man. He has a key-chain with about 50 keys to different women' apartments in Paris. He selects one at random to see who he will sleep with at night. His adversary is a young Parisian artist (the next Picasso), Victor. Victor believes in love and he's going to marry his girlfriend Claudette as soon as he sells his first painting. The Baron seduces Claudette, seemingly to teach Victor a lesson. However, as might be predicted, he soon falls in love with Claudette himself.
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