Room 237 is a documentary that explores various interpretations of Stanley Kubrick's film, The Shining. It delves into conspiracy theories, artistic interpretations, and the impact of the film on its viewers. The documentary examines different theories surrounding hidden messages, symbolism, and subliminal messages in the film, ranging from the moon landing conspiracy to references to Native American history and genocide. Room 237 also discusses the creative process of filmmaking and the role of the director in shaping a film's meaning.
An actress loses her identity in a character, what then turns her life into tragedy.
Ida, a young girl with a passion for filmmaking, sets out to make her first movie. Along the way, she encounters fundraising challenges, moral dilemmas, and misunderstandings. With the support of her community, Ida learns valuable lessons about art, interpretation, and environmentalism.
Waldemar Januszczak explores the impact of Mary Magdalene's myth on art and artists. In art all Christian saints are inventions but Mary Magdalene has been the subject of more invention and re-invention than any other.
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