Undiscovered follows the lives of a group of aspiring artists in Los Angeles as they navigate the challenges of love, fame, and the music industry. The story revolves around a love triangle between an aspiring actress, an aspiring singer, and a record producer. With dreams of making it big, they face obstacles and discover the importance of staying true to themselves.
Secrets and mysteries lose power when they are spread too widely. This is what the villagers discover when they invade an old man's vision-inspired shrine to the namelessly holy.
The works of today's most revered talents are set against a provocative, highly amusing commentary track in this celebration of queer art.
A portrait of artist and illustrator Shyama Golden that showcases her dynamic work and interweaves her personal story. Despite the bold colors and whimsical approach, Golden's portraits stare back at the viewer, holding their gaze with resignation and power. While in her landscapes and paintings Golden creates worlds with elements of magical realism. Strange Beauty offers a glimpse into her approach to finding inspiration and creating art.
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