A young programmer named Caleb is chosen to participate in an extraordinary experiment to test the human attributes of an advanced humanoid AI. He travels to a remote location where he meets Nathan, the CEO of the company. Caleb is introduced to Ava, a humanoid AI, and is asked to perform a Turing Test on her. As Caleb spends more time with Ava, he begins to suspect Nathan's motives and forms a bond with Ava. Together, they plan her escape from the facility and into human society.
In 1974, a government scientist creates a werewolf using artificial skin and wolf blood. In 1994, the werewolf escapes and wreaks havoc, forcing the scientist to try and stop it.
An accident causes the activation of the top-secret Cyber Warrior or 'Cyw' before his programming has been completed. Concerned that the Cyw may fall into the hands of enemies, prove unable to control or simply receive unwanted attention from the public or foreign powers, the military dispatches a crack squad led by Colonel Hammer to bring back the Cyw one way or another. (from Giallo Fever blog)
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