The Pet Girl of Sakurasou follows the story of Sorata Kanda, a second-year high school student who is forced to live in Sakura Hall, a dormitory for problem students. He becomes the caretaker of a pet cat named Hikari and gets caught up in various shenanigans with his fellow residents. As Sorata struggles to balance his own dreams of becoming a game developer with the eccentricities of his dormmates, he also finds himself falling in love with a talented artist named Mashiro Shiina.
Set in the early 1980's, Moyuru is a student at an art school in Osaka. He is full of passion and desire in his pursuit to become a manga writer. He also doesn't lack confidence in his abilities. Morinaga Tonko is Honoo's senior at school and the manager of the badminton team which Honoo belongs to. Right before summer vacation, Moyuru makes a decision. He decides to take his manga manuscripts to a publishing company in Tokyo.
Nevertheless, (2021) is a drama romance TV show that follows the lives of college students as they navigate relationships, friendships, and their own personal growth. The story revolves around the main character, who is a talented art student specializing in sculpture. She meets a charming and playful male student who has a reputation as a playboy. Despite her initial resistance, she finds herself drawn to him as they become friends with benefits. As their relationship evolves, they both struggle with their feelings and the complexities of love and romance. The show explores themes of friendship, campus life, maturity, and the challenges of balancing art and relationships.
For this friend group, no matter how hard their university studies are, there's always something more to do. The chaos of life and love won't let anyone rest. We are... friends, but we fight each other and like each other so much we might hit on each other.
Threesome (2021) is a drama TV show that explores the dynamics of a complicated relationship involving a threesome. The plot revolves around an art student in London who becomes involved in a sexual relationship with a couple. As their relationship progresses, they navigate issues of trust, infidelity, and intimacy, leading to unexpected and emotional consequences.
The Longest Ride is a romantic drama film that tells the story of two couples, one young and one old, whose lives intersect thanks to a car accident. The film explores themes of love, loss, and sacrifice as the couples navigate their relationships and learn from each other's experiences.
Rising Damp is a British sitcom set in a run-down boarding house, focusing on the interactions between the landlord, his tenants, and the various comedic situations that arise. The show explores themes of class, race, and relationships with a humorous touch.
Ben, a young art student, works the graveyard shift at a supermarket. To pass the time, he discovers that he can stop time and uses this ability to sketch the people around him. Through his sketches, he explores the relationships and interactions of the people he works with, including his attractive coworker Sharon. As Ben delves deeper into his artistic passions, he begins to question his own life choices and the meaning of his existence.
In 'Stay', a man begins to question his own sanity when he encounters a series of strange and surreal events that blur the line between reality and fantasy. As he tries to unravel the mystery, he must confront his own inner demons and face the possibility that he may be losing his grip on reality.
No matter where she goes, Sora takes her sketchbook along. The world is full of mysterious and beautiful things, after all, and Sora doesn't want to miss a single one. The best way she knows to capture each moment is by drawing and sketching, watching and learning.
When older man Tsukakoshi asks Unokichi to paint it is of his mistress, the geisha Fumiko. Tsukakoshi loves the feet and legs part of Fumiko's anatomy. The fetishism gives the art student a commission to put his talent to use.
Never Look Away is a movie set in Germany during World War II and its aftermath. The story follows a young artist as he struggles to survive and find his voice amidst the chaos and destruction of war. He navigates through various personal and historical events, including the oppressive regime of Hitler, the bombing of Dresden, and the division of Germany. Through it all, he explores his art, relationships, and his own identity.
In Fright Night 2: New Blood, a vampire professor in Romania terrorizes an exchange student during a secret program. As the student uncovers the truth, he must face the supernatural power of vampirism and the monstrous secrets on campus.
After meeting on a train, a university student and a Japanese woman find themselves falling in love, but their relationship is complicated by the fact that she exists in a parallel world and ages in reverse. Can their love overcome the challenges of time and distance?
When a Harvard student's computer crashes and he loses his thesis, a homeless man finds it and holds it ransom. As they spend time together searching for the thesis, they form an unlikely friendship.
Elodie and Laetitia live in close love and dream of having a child. As Elodie discovers that she cannot get pregnant because of a health problem and encounters financial troubles, they decide to take a roommate.
Hiroki Kamikura is a main character of this story that’s a student of Nadeshiko University and serves as an adviser for Art Department in Nadeshiko High School.
After a troubled past, Lily moves to Los Angeles to start a new life. She becomes involved with an older artist, Ivy, who introduces her to a world of lust and obsession. As Lily falls deeper into Ivy's web, she must navigate dangerous waters to protect herself.
3some is a movie about a young art student who becomes involved in a complex relationship with a couple. As they explore their desires and navigate the challenges of polyamory, jealousy and secrets come to the surface, testing the boundaries of their unconventional love triangle. Set in Madrid, Spain, the film explores themes of sexuality, art, and the complications of human relationships.
In 'The Killing Jar,' a group of strangers find themselves held hostage in a small town diner. As tensions rise, secrets are revealed and a battle of wits ensues. The fate of the captives hangs in the balance as they try to outsmart their captor and escape the unfolding nightmare.