Never Look Away is a movie set in Germany during World War II and its aftermath. The story follows a young artist as he struggles to survive and find his voice amidst the chaos and destruction of war. He navigates through various personal and historical events, including the oppressive regime of Hitler, the bombing of Dresden, and the division of Germany. Through it all, he explores his art, relationships, and his own identity.
When Imeda’s father is killed in a blood revenge accident, the family moves him to the city where he is sheltered at his father’s friend. After fifteen year he gets back to Khevsureti. A talented painter, he spends most of his time doing sketches of nature and people. There he meets a local beauty, Mzekala and fells in love with her but finds out that Torghva is also in love with her. Enraged by Imeda’s impudence Torghva calls him for a sword fight and is killed by Imeda. To avoid another round of blood revenge, the villagers let Imeda and Mzekala out of the village but someone who wants Imeda’s blood finds it out and follows them.
Neurosia is the autobiography of the director Rosa von Praunheim. The movie begins with Rosa presenting his autobiography in a movie theater. Before the film begins, he is shot. But - his body gets lost. A female journalist from a TV station begins researching the life of Rosa. In the course of the movie she speaks to lots of aquaintances, shows short clips from Rosas old movies. Her main aim is to provide sensational and shocking details from Rosas life. It turns out that nearly everybody had some reason to kill Rosa. At the end of the movie, she discovers Rosa at a boat where he is kept prisoner by some of his old enemies. She frees him, and the movie ends.
The story of two couples, Ayla and Yadigar and Seher and Hüseyin, who know each other on a journey through the secret history of nudity. This journey begins with two women starting nude modeling in an art academy, beyond the husbands' knowledge. But it doesn't take them long to find it out.
A successful art historian who has trouble telling people difficult truths, finds himself in an inescapable situation when a small lie quickly gets out of hand.
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