Thunder at the Border is a gripping movie that takes place in the American West. It follows the story of a young Native American teenager who embarks on a journey to seek justice and reunite with his estranged father. Along the way, he faces dangerous gang wars, horseback riding, and intense shootouts, all while dealing with personal struggles and discovering the true meaning of family.
The 3rd installment of the thriller series in which immortal human weapons and hunters attack. A secret work of a certain country aiming to capture a hunter is activated. The genius murderous demon, Kyumon, who directs the operation, drafts a plan to trap the hunter. Ayano, a gravure idol, is chosen as the "bait"...
A teenage schoolgirl is kidnapped and taken to a cabin in the woods. Her unknown captor plays a sadistic game of cat-and-mouse with her, stalking her with a crossbow. When she is shot in the shoulder, her attacker patches her wound, and the game starts all over the next day. On the third day, she finds a road but is struck by a car. The couple in the vehicle decide to take the girl to a hospital but are delayed by a flat tire. In the meantime, the killer finds them and slays the man and woman. Once again, the girl is forced to flee.
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