Oscar is a comedy crime movie set in the 1930s, based on European literature. It revolves around a dying father and his rich family. The movie showcases a humorous portrayal of a crotchety old man who gets into hilarious situations involving luggage, diamonds, and women's underwear. It also explores the dynamics of overprotective parents and the complexities of business dealings. With a witty dialogue and a touch of French humor, Oscar provides an entertaining and lighthearted watch.
Franck, a scrap merchant, and Meriem have five children, a sixth on the go, and serious money issues. Julien and Anna are lawyers and cannot have a child. This is the story of an inconceivable agreement.
Perfect Strangers (2004) is a comedy movie that follows the story of two strangers who accidentally switch their mobile phones and experience a series of hilarious and chaotic events while trying to retrieve their devices. As they delve into each other's lives, secrets are revealed and unexpected friendships are formed.
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