Laverne & Shirley in the Army is a 1981 Hanna-Barbera cartoon series based on the TV show Laverne & Shirley, with the title characters voiced by Penny Marshall and Cindy Williams. The show aired on Saturday mornings for one season of 13 episodes on ABC. The series was produced in association with Paramount Network Television. The following season, the series was re-titled Laverne & Shirley with The Fonz and combined with a half-hour adaptation of the 1978–1982 sitcom Mork & Mindy to form the Mork & Mindy/Laverne & Shirley/Fonz Hour, which lasted for one season.[2] During the second season, Laverne and Shirley were joined by the characters of The Fonz (voiced by Henry Winkler) and his anthropomorphic dog Mr. Cool (voiced by Frank Welker; from the 1980–81 animated series The Fonz and the Happy Days Gang) working as mechanics in the army camp's motorpool.
In 1941, a Finnish army conscript named Rokka is sent to the front lines to fight against the Soviet Union. He experiences the hardships of war, forms relationships with his fellow soldiers, and witnesses the brutality of the conflict. As the war drags on, Rokka is confronted with the realities of death and loss, leading him to question the purpose and futility of war.
A Finnish military farce about an elderly man who is commanded back to service.
Juuso, Late, and Pyry return from military service to their small village in the Finnish countryside. Finding work is difficult there, so Juuso decides to take a job on a Norwegian oil drilling platform. Late could start working on his family's chicken farm but wants to break free from his father who has a new wife. Looking for work in Gothenburg, Sweden, he only runs into more problems and is deported back to Finland. Pyry would like to take over his late father's farm but family quarrels over the estate make him quit his agricultural studies and, together with drifter Late, take a job in a steel mill in southern Finland.
Sankarialokas is a parody about military life from year 1955.
A farce about a wealthy young man who attempts to keep up his lifestyle even in the army.
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