In the satirical comedy film 'The Dictator,' a dictator named Aladeen risks his life to prevent democracy from reaching his beloved country. However, when he is betrayed by his uncle and replaced with a double, Aladeen finds himself stripped of his identity and forced to navigate the streets of New York City. With the help of a kind-hearted store owner named Zoey, Aladeen must reclaim his position and prevent his country from transitioning to democracy. Along the way, he learns about democracy, love, and the true meaning of leadership.
Two sexually energized young women who live in a high-rise apartment building happen one day to spy from their window a mother and son making love in the apartment across from theirs. They decide to stage a rescue attempt to free him and in the process one of the young women ends up falling in love with the son despite having a boyfriend and enjoying sex with her female companion. Of course, the mother they are warring against has her own plans when she feels her privacy invaded.
A rich family find their holiday island home invaded by a pair of criminals who've just escaped from the local jail.
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