In They Call Me Jeeg (2015), a small-time crook named Enzo Ceccotti becomes a superhero known as "Jeeg" after being exposed to radioactive waste. He reluctantly uses his newfound powers to fight against the Camorra, a powerful criminal organization in Rome, Italy. Along the way, Enzo forms an unlikely relationship with a young woman named Alessia, whom he saves from being taken hostage by the Camorra. Together, they navigate through a world filled with violence and corruption, as Enzo tries to come to terms with his identity as a superhero and his role in protecting the city he calls home.
Triple Tap is about a police officer who gets caught up in a series of dangerous events after an armored truck robbery. With intricate twists and turns, the movie keeps you on the edge of your seat.
Angel of Evil is a biography crime drama movie set in Italy during the years of lead. It follows the story of a notorious bank robber, his life of crime, controversial deeds, and a series of daring prison escapes.
Brothers Till We Die is a poliziottesco film that follows the story of a police officer seeking revenge after being knocked unconscious during an armored car robbery. As he investigates the incident, he finds himself in the middle of a dangerous bank robbery and intense police shootouts. With the help of his fellow officers, he must stop the criminals and bring them to justice.
A mobster kills a cop during a robbery and then finds himself pursued by the police, his gang, and the media.
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