Luce follows the story of a high school student named Luce Edgar, who is the epitome of the perfect student- a star athlete and debater. However, when a teacher discovers something shocking about Luce's past, his perfect façade begins to crumble. As his adoptive parents grapple with the revelation, they are forced to question their belief in him and his place in society.
This Traveltalk series short visits various places around the United States. At the first stop, we admire the natural beauty of Crater Lake in Oregon. The next stop is the open pit copper mine at Bingham Canyon, Utah, the world's largest copper mine. We then spend time in Hannibal, Missouri, the hometown of author Mark Twain. After a short visit to a log-rolling contest in Washington State, we cross the country to get a view of Washington, DC from across the Potomac River. The final stop on this tour is Arlington National Cemetery, where we see the Tomb of the Unknown, Arlington House, and the mast of the USS Maine, which was sunk in 1898 in Havana Harbor.
The Ball-Sellers House is Arlington Virginias oldest house. Built in the 1740s by a farmer, it is a rare example of a middle class colonial dwelling. By some miracle, it has survived for over 270 years with an original roof in tact! The history that has unfolded in the house is connected to Arlington's history and to the history of the United States. From our agricultural past to the Ciivil War and expansion of the railroads, through World War One and Women's Suffrage, the house's inhabitants were a part of our shared history.
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