Roma is a drama film that takes place in 1970s Argentina. It follows the story of a man who reminisces about his past, exploring themes of love, loss, and nostalgia. The film dives into his memories, depicting his relationships, experiences, and the significant moments that shaped his life.
It focuses on the last ten years of life of the hero, creator of the Argentine flag. In 1810, Manuel Belgrano believes that it is possible to replace the royal authority - that of Fernando VII prisoner of the Napoleonic troops - with the community of virtuous men who, identified with the Homeland, fluently interpret the People.
Argentina, 1985, at the trial of the last dictatorship's military juntas. On the stand, the six judges; on one side, the prosecution, and on the other, the military personnel accused of genocide.
The film recreates the arrival of a group of Jewish immigrants fleeing persecution in Czarist Russia, establishing the first Hebrew colonies in the province of Entre Rios, Argentina.
The film tells the story of an imigrant to Argentina who works for the railway company of this land. Being a witness to the history of the land of silver in this century the film is also a shortcut of the changes in Argentina during the last 100 years.
Based on a true story, the film narrates the life of a fictitious Peronist union leader who, after years of militancy, gains power in the union during the 1960s and gradually becomes a corrupt bureaucrat.
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