The Adolescence of Utena follows Utena Tenjou, a teenage girl who is granted the power to revolutionize the world through a series of duels. As she navigates these duels and confronts the mysterious Rose Bride, Utena's own sexual awakening and journey of self-discovery unfold. Through intricate symbolism and a captivating narrative, the film delves into themes of repressed sexuality, gender roles, and the societal expectations placed upon individuals. It is a surreal and thought-provoking exploration of adolescence and the complexities of human relationships.
The broody and beaten-down Noah Philm encounters peculiar characters while wandering through a dark city night in search of some flavorful cheese.
A genre breaking psychological fantasy film, following one of 12 archetypes, The Hero, attempting to complete his quest of self discovery. In this world devoid of life apart from these 12 archetypes, Hero finds he is left with only one final person to interview. The proud, excentric and boastful Jester, or as he prefers to be called, "Alakazam". With the clash Hero's need for control and order clashing with Alakzam's careless free nature, the two character's are forced to questions their own personas and nature.
A short film following Anthony, a young child from the small, rural town of San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba. We see him in different moments of his daily life as he interacts with different forms of environmental, familial, and social influences. While Anthony displays contradictory traits of creativity, destruction, rigidity, and tenderness as he interacts with his external and internal worlds, we see a story built from the the multidimensionality of Anthony's layered personality as a young man.
The argument with the soul becomes a crucial phase of the individuation process, since, after all, it is our most personal ambiguity that, with cunning and delusion, drags incredible things into life, as the desire of an inert body, convincing us of moving, touching the earth, getting tangled up and staying.
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