In this animated comedy, Charlie Brown and his friends participate in Arbor Day activities, including planting trees and playing a baseball game. Along the way, they encounter surreal situations and learn important lessons about the environment and teamwork.
Blackout gags about the holidays. New Year's (the baby speaks to us). Valentine's Day, Washington Day, etc.
Today's date is Friday. It's Arbor Day, the most famous date in St. Charles City. It means the criminals are all out, wreaking havoc and terrorizing lives. The Man, their hero, searches for clues for his next big case, but, things are not what they seem.
A short on the meaning of patriotism and how you can get involved.
When a wealthy but deluded environmentalist opens a secluded woodland retreat, four dentists get much more than a free and relaxing weekend getaway. Something is amiss at Camp Arbor Diem this Arbor Day weekend as campers from all walks of life begin to disappear. Who is behind these strange occurrences? Could it be the spirit of the woods? And can the dentists figure it all out before death comes calling for them?
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