Freezing is an action-packed anime TV show filled with adventure, drama, fantasy, and romance. Set in a futuristic world, it follows a group of warriors known as Pandoras who battle against terrifying creatures called Nova. The story revolves around Kazuya Aoi, a young boy who enrolls in a special academy to become a Limiter and teams up with a powerful Pandora named Satellizer el Bridget. Together, they face numerous challenges, uncover dark secrets, and forge deep bonds.
Lars Lindstrom, a socially awkward young man, develops an unconventional relationship with a doll he meets on the internet. As he introduces the doll, Bianca, to his family and the town, they begin treating her as if she were real. Through this experience, Lars starts to interact more with people and eventually forms a bond with a woman named Margo. However, tragedy strikes when Bianca falls ill and eventually dies. Lars, having gained newfound self-confidence, asks Margo to take a walk with him, signaling his growth and acceptance of adult responsibilities.
The World According to Garp follows the life of T.S. Garp, an aspiring writer. The film explores themes of love, identity, and family through Garp's journey of self-discovery. With a cast of eccentric characters, including a nurse, a wrestler, and a transgender woman, Garp's story is filled with both comedy and drama.
Touchy Feely is a 2013 movie that tells the story of a massage therapist who develops a sudden aversion to physical contact. As her practice suffers, she explores different therapies and finds unexpected connections with her family and loved ones.
Finding Vivian Maier is a documentary film that tells the story of Vivian Maier, a nanny and secret street photographer whose work remains undiscovered until after her death. The film explores the life and work of this enigmatic artist, revealing a complex woman with a hidden talent for capturing exceptional candid photographs of life in Chicago and beyond.
In this psychological thriller, a circus performer with a dark past becomes entangled in a romantic sabotage plot, leading to blackmail, murder, and a police manhunt. As secrets unravel and tensions rise, the characters are forced to confront their fears and desires, resulting in a thrilling and twisted tale of love and betrayal.
David is a teenager with schizophrenia who is admitted to a psychiatric hospital. There, he meets Lisa, a girl with a multiple personality disorder. As they bond over their struggles, they develop a deep connection and fall in love. The movie explores themes of mental illness, teenage love, and the search for identity.
A documentary following a sex surrogate and two of her clients.
The story of two teens, Cassandra and Lucas, as they get involved in a timeless love story against many odds.
Eli is a 32 year old man who has problems with relationships with women. Hagar is a surrogate, an alternative partner for practical, sexual therapy. They meet once a week and practice a relationship and intimacy in laboratory conditions. The fictitious relationship between them exposes them both physically and emotionally and brings to surface repressed fears from the real world. The changes Eli goes through during the therapy, along with the secrets revealed, not only shake his own life, but also the life of his family. Between clinic walls, due to an "artificial" process, Eli learns how to love for the first time.
Azucena is 22 years old and lives with her mother, who, due to a past trauma, can no longer speak. Azucena works in a photography lab with her best friend Paqui, and has just broken up with her latest boyfriend Dani. Azucena lives in fear of sex and physical contact, hiding in her own sheltered world. Cesar, a plastic artist feels an obsessive attraction for Azucena, as a result, making her his inspiration. This obsession is painfully observed by Jacinto, the unstable artist's lover, who is himself involved in a violent and destructive relationship with Cesar.
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