In Delievering Milo, a guardian angel named Elmore has the task of delivering an unborn soul named Milo to Earth. However, Milo is hesitant about being born and puts up resistance, causing Elmore to go through a series of challenges. These challenges include navigating through Bloomingdale's in New York City, a visit to the Carnegie Deli, and a trip to Atlantic City. Throughout the journey, Elmore encounters various characters and situations that test his patience and determination. Will he successfully deliver Milo and fulfill his duty as a guardian angel?
Evolution is a powerful drama that follows the journey of a concentration camp survivor as she faces the challenges of motherhood and the haunting memories of her past. The film explores themes of resilience, love, and the human spirit in the face of adversity.
A woman, scared by motherhood and her new born baby, runs away from her home and family to find a shelter at her upstairs neighbour's place.
The Tenants is a satirical comedy set in an Iranian apartment building, where the lives of the tenants are thrown into chaos due to a series of misfortunes. The film explores themes of modernity, corruption, and communal living, and is filled with satirical humor and ironic situations. The tenants, including a swindler, a government official, and a construction worker, navigate through a messy apartment, marital problems, and controversies, leading to explosive and comical moments.
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