Fire Birds is an action-packed military film set in the 1990s, showcasing the adrenaline-fueled adventures of Apache helicopter pilots. The story revolves around a talented and daring female pilot who joins a team of elite helicopter pilots to combat enemies and protect their country. With explosive helicopter chases, aerial combat, and intense battles, Fire Birds takes viewers on a thrilling ride through the world of military aviation.
After an earthquake hits New Orleans, deadly giant spiders are unleashed upon the city. A group of survivors, including a tour guide, a baseball coach, and a father and daughter, must navigate the chaos and find a way to escape before they become the spiders' next victims.
In Rising Fear, a former Marine becomes the prime suspect when he is set up by terrorists attempting to make a bomb explosion. He must use his skills to survive and clear his name.
No narrator. No script. These are the gripping true stories, told by the U.S. Army aviators, ground crews, and ground troops, who took part in the most consequential military operation of the Iraq War: "The Surge." Four intense stories of courage and sacrifice few know, and the lasting legacies they leave for our nation and the soldiers, who lived them.
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