In Robot Monster, a monster from outer space, known as Ro-Man, threatens to destroy humanity. Ro-Man has been sent by an alien race to exterminate all human life. He uses various weapons, including a death ray, to attack humans and destroy their cities. However, a scientist named Professor Norton discovers a serum that can kill Ro-Man. With the help of his daughter and a group of survivors, Professor Norton sets out to save humanity from Ro-Man's evil plans.
During the 1990s, a community of French Trappist monks living in the remote Atlas Mountains of Algeria must confront their own commitment to their faith and their dedication to the surrounding Muslim community amidst growing violence and threats from Islamic fundamentalists. As they struggle with the decision to stay or leave, their peaceful life is shattered by a series of tragic events.
In the midst of World War II, a group of Army nurses face the challenges and tragedies of war while providing care to wounded soldiers. The film explores themes of patriotism, friendship, and the emotional trauma experienced by those on the frontlines.
The Seed of Man is a surreal drama set in a post-apocalyptic world where a plague has caused the end of human reproduction. The film follows a couple who discover a woman who may be pregnant and their journey to protect her from neo-fascist groups who want to exploit her for their own purposes.
For a few years now, scientists have known about the existence of another brain within our bodies. This second brain, or "brain down below" is none other than our stomach. The stomach's intelligence is a new avenue of research that is fascinating research teams the world over.
Got the facts on Milk? (also known as "The Milk Documentary" is an entertaining, award winning feature documentary that dares to question the conventional wisdom of the much publicized health benefits of milk and dairy products. Addressing myth, truth and all in-between, the film is a humorous yet shocking exposition that provokes serious thought about this everyday staple.
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