A Family is a crime drama movie set in Japan, depicting the struggles and conflicts faced by a family as they become entangled with the yakuza. The story revolves around a father who finds himself being pulled into the criminal underworld, and the effects it has on his family. The movie explores themes of society, yakuza-exclusion ordinances, and the flow of the times.
Under the Open Sky follows Masao Mikami, a former yakuza member who has spent 13 years in prison. Upon his release, he struggles to reintegrate into society and find a sense of purpose. As he navigates through the challenges of job hunting, reconnecting with his estranged mother, and facing the discrimination against ex-convicts, Masao seeks to leave his criminal past behind and forge a new path in life.
Yakuza and Constitution is a documentary that explores the intricate relationship between the notorious Yakuza crime syndicate and the Japanese Constitution. It delves into the clashes between the Yakuza's criminal activities and the principles of the law, shedding light on the impact of anti-organized crime laws and the Yakuza exclusion ordinances on the mob's operations. Through in-depth interviews and a comprehensive examination of legal and social aspects, the film provides a gripping exposé of the Yakuza and its struggle against the constitutional regulations.
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