The Human Factor is a 1979 British neo-noir thriller film directed by Otto Preminger and based on Graham Greene's 1978 novel of the same name. The story follows a British secret service agent, Maurice Castle, who becomes a double agent for the Soviet Union. His actions lead to suspicion, family abandonment, and a thrilling political drama that explores themes of bigotry, betrayal, and international intrigue.
A schoolteacher witnesses the violent death of a student during a protest against the apartheid regime. This leads him on a journey to uncover the truth about the incident and the injustices committed by the police. As he delves deeper, he becomes entangled in a dangerous web of political violence and corruption.
A World Apart follows the story of a 13-year-old girl living in Johannesburg, South Africa during the apartheid era. She witnesses the struggle for freedom and equality as her mother becomes involved in the anti-apartheid movement. Through friendship and personal growth, the girl navigates the challenges of living under house arrest and dealing with an absent father, all while yearning to make a difference in her country.
Endgame is a thrilling crime drama that takes place in South Africa during the apartheid era. It follows the story of a secret underground movement and their struggle against the oppressive government. The film explores themes of violence, brotherhood, and the fight for freedom.
This documentary explores the journey towards reconciliation in South Africa following the end of apartheid, highlighting the efforts of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
It's My Life is a powerful documentary that tells the story of a political activist's battle against a pharmaceutical company. The film explores the impact of childhood trauma on the protagonist's life and their fight for justice in South African politics. With a focus on the AIDS epidemic and the discrimination faced by the gay community, this documentary sheds light on the anti-apartheid movement and the struggle for human rights.
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