Get on Up is a biographical drama film that tells the story of musician James Brown, from his early life in poverty and abuse to his rise to fame and influence in the music industry. Set against the backdrop of the civil rights movement and the Vietnam War, the film explores Brown's struggles, triumphs, and the impact he made on popular music.
South Korean Air Force pilots engage in perilous missions against Communist North Koreans during the Korean War.
When Hell Was in Session follows the true story of Navy Lieutenant Jeremiah Denton, who was shot down and captured by the North Vietnamese in 1965. Denton endures physical torture, starvation, and solitary confinement in a POW camp, all while maintaining his patriotism and inner strength. The film portrays his struggle to survive and his eventual release from jail, highlighting the hardships faced by prisoners of war and the emotional anguish they endure.
A hardened career navel officer must come to terms with adapting to civilian life with the help of a waitress that can see through his tough veneer.
During World War II, a British soldier is captured and sent to a POW camp. To escape, he disguises himself as a Nazi officer and attempts to divert attention away from his true identity. Along the way, he encounters various obstacles, such as anti-aircraft fire and a parachute caught in a tree. With the help of a scientist and other prisoners of war, he digs a tunnel to freedom.
In this war drama, set during the Korean War, an Air Force nurse gets involved in a love triangle on the front lines.
A recount of the bombing campaign by the United States Army's Fifteenth Air Force against the oilfields and refineries in and around Ploesti, Romania during World War II.
The pilot, co-pilot, and crew of a bomber try to hit a Korean bridge in bad weather.
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