When a mysterious creature suddenly appears in Tokyo and begins wreaking havoc, the government and its bureaucrats find themselves ill-equipped to handle the situation. As the monster, now known as Godzilla, grows larger and more destructive, the city is thrown into chaos. With the threat of lethal radiation and political incompetence hindering their efforts, the Japanese Self-Defense Force and a team of scientists must find a way to stop the monster before Tokyo is completely destroyed.
In the 1980s, Congressman Charlie Wilson is more interested in partying than his legislative duties. When he learns about the Soviet war in Afghanistan, he decides to help the Afghan Mujahideen. With the help of a romantic interest and a maverick CIA operative, Charlie doubles the CIA budget to support the rebels. Through political bargaining and careful planning, they supply the guerrillas with weapons and turn the Soviet occupation into a deadly quagmire. This covert operation becomes a major part of U.S. foreign policy, known as the Reagan Doctrine.
Captures the optimistic attitude and entrepreneurial spirit characteristic of the Vietnamese people, who remain positive despite ever-present reminders of the horrors of the Vietnam War.
During World War II, a mischievous cartoon cat and a witty cartoon bird find themselves in a series of comedic adventures, including encounters with a slingshot, an exploding cigar, and an air raid warden.
A Japanese publisher urges his American-educated son to side with the Axis.
A famous scientist invents a humanoid robot (the titular "monster"), so a greedy rival scientist plans to steal it for use in his criminal plans. His henchmen often kidnap a trained gorilla (the titular "ape") from the zoo, to aid in the schemes.
Don Winslow (titular hero of the serial "Don Winslow of the Navy") is reassigned to the United States Coast Guard, to guard the coast against saboteurs and sneak attacks.
A drunken stork comes to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daffy Duck with a bundle of joy, but Daffy wants no part of the delivery and takes extreme measures to keep the stork away.
Drama written in flames and told with the staccato of canon-fire!
Engineer Dr Hugh Hunt revisits the little-known story of the First World War's Blitz, when the Zeppelin waged an 18-month terror campaign on the people of London.
Claude Hopper, a kangaroo, and "best darn hopper in the world," is full of himself (and dumb), so a couple of Scottish rabbits take him on. They set up a boxing ring; Claude gets tangled in the ropes. Next, he tries a distance leap, but the rabbits ride on his tail, then leap over as he lands. He tries again, without all the ballast in his pouch, but they've stuck his tail down with chewing gum. Claude falls into the river; the rabbits wash up in his water-filled pouch.
Short documentary on the use of the V-1 Flying Bomb during the German bombings of London.
The stork tells about a harrowing encounter with a gun emplacement. As a result, he declares himself "closed for the duration."
British documentary short made to describe the attacks made on England by Hitler's V-1 bombs and the successful destruction of many of these bombs before they could fall on their targets.
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