Unplanned follows the story of Abby Johnson, a young woman who becomes the director of a Planned Parenthood clinic, but has a change of heart after witnessing an abortion procedure. She decides to leave the clinic and joins the pro-life movement, becoming a prominent activist. The film explores themes of redemption, personal transformation, and the conflict between reproductive rights and religious beliefs.
Citizen Ruth is a satirical comedy that follows Ruth Stoops, a pregnant woman with a drug addiction who becomes the center of a heated debate on abortion. Ruth finds herself being manipulated by both pro-life and pro-choice activists, as well as a judge and her own selfishness. With her freedom and the fate of her unborn child at stake, Ruth must navigate through a web of misinformation, activism, and personal struggles.
Connected by the Internet and an unshakable belief in their cause, a tight-knit group of extreme pro-life activists who -- all members of the Army of God -- have turned to violence to abolish abortion. This fascinating documentary examines several of the soldiers involved in the ongoing "battle," including Paul Hill, the man who committed the infamous 1993 murders of two abortion clinic workers in Pensacola, Fla.
This documentary delves into the struggles of a women's clinic in Jackson, Mississippi, as they face religious oppression, misleading information, and anti-abortion activism. It highlights the importance of reproductive rights and the impact of the American healthcare system on women's health.
The 8th is a powerful documentary that explores the campaign for reproductive rights in Ireland. It highlights the struggle faced by women seeking access to safe and legal abortions, and the fight against restrictive legislation. The film sheds light on the impact of religion, politics, and activism on the issue, covering topics such as the historic referendum, the role of Catholicism, and the fight for women's rights. Through personal stories and interviews, the documentary emphasizes the importance of the abortion rights movement and its impact on Irish society.
America's War on Abortion is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the complex and controversial issue of abortion in the United States. The film examines the history of the abortion debate, the role of the U.S. Supreme Court, and the impact of anti-abortion laws and protests on women's health clinics. It also highlights the personal stories of women who have faced harassment and threats due to their involvement in reproductive healthcare. Through interviews with medical professionals, activists, and those directly affected by the issue, America's War on Abortion sheds light on the ongoing struggle for reproductive rights.
The Fragile Promise of Choice: Abortion in the United States Today is a documentary film by Dorothy Fadiman which examines abortion rights and access in the U.S. in 1996 which was 23 years after the legislative decision, Roe vs. Wade. Dorothy narrated the film which featured interviews with abortion care providers and news clips, including one of Dr. George Tiller. It is last of three films called the Trilogy on Reproductive Rights or the From the Back-Alleys to the Supreme Court & Beyond Trilogy.
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