In an alternate reality where anthropomorphic animals coexist, Bucky O'Hare, a rabbit and his crew, must protect the universe from the evil Toad Empire. With the help of their spaceship, the Righteous Indignation, Bucky and his allies go on various missions to stop the Toads from enslaving other worlds. Along the way, they encounter space battles, rescue missions, and encounter other unique characters.
Scaredy Squirrel is an anxious squirrel who lives in Balsa City. He enjoys his simple life working as a stacker at a supermarket, but his peaceful routine is often disrupted by the chaotic and surreal situations he finds himself in. With the help of his friends, including an anthropomorphic fish, a beaver, and a peacock, Scaredy navigates through hilarious and absurd challenges while staying true to his timid nature.
In 'The Talking Parcel,' a young girl goes on an epic journey through fantasyland with the help of a talking parcel. Along the way, she encounters anthropomorphic animals, battles a wizard, and embarks on a rescue mission. They face obstacles such as a sea serpent and a werewolf, but ultimately triumph in their quest.
Svobodan lives his life carrying an old choleric toad on his head. An animated short about a stressed out modern human being.
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