The story revolves around a new team of "Toei robot girls" named "Team Z" that is made up of three girls based on Toei's Mazinger Z franchise: Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, and UFO Robot Grendizer. Usually they perform in activities around Nerima ward in Tokyo to raise the awareness of the promising future energy source "Photon Power" (koushiryoku). However, there are times when "Mechanical Beast" team of girls emerge from the "Subterranean Empire" and attempt to steal the energy. Thus "Team Z" has to battle them to prevent this, though sometimes they just go and beat up the "bad girls" to relieve stress.
In a robot world, Rodney, a young idealistic inventor, travels to the big city to join his inspiration's company. However, he finds himself opposing the sinister new management who plans to discontinue the manufacture of spare parts for older robots. With the help of his friends, Rodney fights back against the oppressive regime and convinces the original owner, Bigweld, to return and make spare parts available again.
In an alternate reality where anthropomorphic animals coexist, Bucky O'Hare, a rabbit and his crew, must protect the universe from the evil Toad Empire. With the help of their spaceship, the Righteous Indignation, Bucky and his allies go on various missions to stop the Toads from enslaving other worlds. Along the way, they encounter space battles, rescue missions, and encounter other unique characters.
Welcome to the magical, musical land of Bluffoonia where the evil tyrant, Clandestino, rules the kingdom with an iron hand and a cold heart. Day by day he's destroying the beautiful forest for his own selfish gains, but the Bluffers—a group of lovable and mischievous animals—are determined to save their forest homeland.
A scientist builds a robot, and sets it to cleaning up his lab while he sleeps. The robot rebels, and creates two small robots; they create various forms of mischief while he sleeps, including trapping him and the inventor for a while.
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