In Tick Tock Tale, a charming anthropomorphic clock embarks on a whimsical adventure through a clock shop. When a valuable pendulum clock goes missing, the clock must team up with a police officer clock to solve the mysterious robbery. With the help of other anthropomorphic clocks, including a cheeky cuckoo clock, they unravel the clues and restore order to the shop. Filled with enchanting animation and heartwarming moments, Tick Tock Tale is a delightful family film that will captivate audiences of all ages.
The various clocks and watches in a clock store dance, ring alarms musically, and otherwise entertain us in an after hours presentation.
After drawing Betty Boop, Max Fleischer (live-action) leaves the studio; Betty and Koko try amateur dentistry, releasing enough laughing gas to convulse the 'real world.'
Sailor Bimbo (as Barnacle Bill) jumps ship with his little black book and visits his lady friend, Betty Boop (with dog's ears).
Betty tries a regime of exercise, but her weight loss gets out of hand. She sings "Keep Your Girlish Figure".
Jasper and the Haunted House is another George Pal Puppetoon about a black boy and his troubles. This time, the scarecrow switches a sign that leads Jasper to a haunted house instead of a deacon's place where he brings a pie.
A grandfather clock comes to life and tells two children a story (presented in animated cartoon form) about clocks going to school and playing football.
Farmer Al Falfa, the boss at an egg factory, discourages the romance between his two feline employees.
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