Wonder Park follows the story of a young girl named June who stumbles upon an abandoned amusement park. She uses her imagination to bring the park back to life, but soon discovers that there's a problem - the park is being consumed by darkness. June teams up with some talking animals to save the park and restore the wonder.
On a remote island, a mad scientist named Dr. Moreau conducts cruel experiments, turning animals into human-animal hybrids through genetic manipulation. A shipwrecked man finds himself caught in the midst of the scientist's bizarre creations and must fight to escape the island and expose the horrors within.
In a medieval fantasy world, boar warrior Attila the Ham teams up with a tough human princess to find the legendary Great Blue Bean, a source of tremendous power.
When the villainous Bad Clyde casts an evil spell to banish the beloved Benny the Easter Bunny to the dreaded Land of the Holiday Misfits, Santa Claus and his trusty sidekick, Gargaff the Reindeer, spring into action and embark on an epic, multi-dimensional journey that takes them from the North Pole to lands undreamt of, all to rescue Benny and save the Easter holiday for children around the world.
The Last Autbus is short film processing the universal theme of human selfishness and fear. It is a disturbing parable of the animal kingdom, where heroes risk revealing their true character and on behalf of their own salvation are able to sacrifice and their relatives.
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