Carry On Camping is a classic British comedy film filled with slapstick humor and double entendre. It takes place in an English camping site where an ensemble cast gets themselves into various hilarious situations. From mistaken identities to outrageous schemes, this movie guarantees non-stop laughter.
Trash Humpers is a disturbing and surreal mockumentary about a group of deranged individuals who vandalize and destroy property while engaging in bizarre and offensive behaviors, such as humping inanimate objects and mutilating dolls.
A Rainy Day in New York is a romantic comedy that follows the story of a young couple as they explore the city and navigate through various adventures on a rainy weekend. The film captures the essence of the city and its vibrant atmosphere, while also delving into themes of love, relationships, and personal growth.
Set in an anonymous basement. Two Siamese brothers berate each other over and over while a man with a prosthetic face attempts to have sex with a refrigerator. Chaos ensues.
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