Villains is a dark comedy thriller that follows a couple, Mickey and Jules, who find themselves in a strange and dangerous situation after their car breaks down. Seeking shelter, they break into a seemingly empty house, only to discover a hidden secret that puts their lives in jeopardy. As the night unfolds, Mickey and Jules must navigate through a series of bizarre encounters and unexpected twists to escape the clutches of a villainous couple.
Otis is a socially awkward teenager who kidnaps girls and holds them captive in his basement. When a young woman escapes, she teams up with her FBI agent brother to track down Otis and bring him to justice.
Obsession is a gripping film-noir crime thriller that follows the story of an unfaithful wife, a psychiatrist, and a perfect crime. The plot takes twists and turns as the characters get entangled in a web of deceit, seduction, and murder. Set in London, the film explores themes of jealousy, unhappy marriages, and the lengths people will go to in order to satisfy their obsessions.
After a homemaker discovers that her husband is a philanderer, she imprisons him in their soundproof basement and reports him missing to the police.
Two rebels battle an evil king in a fantasy medieval Turkish kingdom. Identifying tattoos, galley slavery, stoning, beheadings, sword fights abound. A disneyesque fantasy history yarn, except for the rather extreme violence.
Winter's End is a suspenseful horror movie that takes place on a remote farm. The story follows a man who finds himself in a dangerous situation after a sham marriage, as he is held at gunpoint and must navigate through a series of intense events, including a foot chase and a shotgun killing. Along the way, he encounters a mentally challenged man, a time jump, and a brother-sister relationship. As the plot unfolds, secrets are revealed and tensions rise, leading to a gripping climax.
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