Kiwi! is a heartwarming animated short that tells the story of a kiwi bird who, despite being unable to fly, embarks on a mission to achieve his dream of flying. With determination, dedication, and a little bit of creativity, the kiwi bird defies his flightless nature and finds a way to soar through the sky.
A documentary about Australian animation pioneer Eric Porter’s work on the iconic Aeroplane Jelly animated promos of the 1940s and 1950s.
In the animated short film, 'Aurora, the street that wanted to be a river,' a city street in Brazil undergoes a remarkable metamorphosis and becomes a flowing river in the future. This captivating story showcases the beauty of transformation and the power of nature.
A fish is concerned about a nearby factory polluting the stream it lives in.
A new kind of mutant alien comes into existence on a blue moon and is persecuted by the original aliens.
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