Planet Earth II is a captivating nature documentary series that takes viewers on an extraordinary journey through various habitats, from majestic mountains to lush forests, from vibrant jungles to vast deserts, and from diverse cities to the mysterious depths of the ocean. Narrated by renowned broadcaster Sir David Attenborough, this visually stunning miniseries provides a unique insight into the diverse animal species that inhabit our planet.
Dynasties is a captivating TV show that takes viewers into the lives of various animal families, showcasing their struggles, triumphs, and the importance of family bonds. From penguins in Antarctica to lions in the African savannah, and from chimpanzees in the jungles of Senegal to tigers in the harsh forests of India, each episode explores the challenges these animals face in their quest for survival.
The incredible story of life's epic, four-billion-year journey on Earth comes alive in this series from Steven Spielberg and the team behind 'Our Planet.' The series explores the battle for survival of 20 million species on our planet, diving into the deep past where 99% of earth's inhabitants are lost. Witness the rise and fall of these dynasties as the story unfolds.
Enter an unseen micro-verse where miniature heroes use amazing superpowers to survive in a series of spellbinding dramas.
Animal (2021) is a documentary series that explores the diverse wildlife found in different regions of the world. From big cats in Africa to marsupials in Australia, this show takes viewers on a captivating journey into the animal kingdom.
Budding environmentalist Jane is a 9-year-old on a quest to save endangered animals. Using her powerful imagination, Jane takes her best friends David and Greybeard the chimpanzee on epic adventures to help protect wild animals all around the world.
Where the Pacific meets the wilderness of Canada lies a mysterious island. But peer a little deeper and we find something even more remarkable: a community full of charismatic animal residents, waiting to show you around.
David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet is a biographical documentary film that showcases the life of David Attenborough and his journey to witness the devastating impact of humanity on our planet. Attenborough shares his personal experiences and insights into the destruction of habitats, loss of biodiversity, and the urgent need for action to address the climate crisis.
Following five predators across changing seasons and landscapes.
Follow a multi-generational orangutan family through their treetop triumphs and travails in this immersive documentary narrated by David Attenborough.
In six remote and beautiful places on our planet are queendoms run by the most powerful leaders in the animal world. These queens are sisters, single mothers, grandmothers. This documentary series tells their stories of resilience, strength, love and loss for the first time.
Anthony Morgan explores the extraordinary ways that animals hear and produce sound, and the crucial role sound plays in the lives of animals around the globe - from birth to surviving adulthood and finding a mate.
Embark on a delightful journey into the world of dogs in this documentary that reveals scientific and emotional insights about our lovable BFFs.
Discover the stories beneath the surface of the water in this stunning nature documentary series, which explores each of the Earth's five oceans.
Cat experts explore the mind of feline companions, diving into their true capabilities in this captivating and cuddly documentary.
Journey alongside a young tigress raising her cubs in the fabled forests of India.
Chimpanzee follows the story of Oscar, a young chimp who faces the challenges of survival and the bonds of family in the unforgiving jungle. When tragedy strikes and he is separated from his family, Oscar must navigate the wild and find a new home, all while learning important life lessons along the way.
Join a team of marine experts as they embark on an awe-inspiring journey to uncover the hidden secrets of these magnificent creatures of the sea. From their incredible intelligence to their remarkable social behaviors, prepare to be mesmerized by the captivating world of whales.
This is a planet on the move - animals in every landscape are embarking on epic migrations in search of food, shelter, and love.
A family of bears goes on an adventure in the wilds of Alaska, exploring the mountains, fishing for salmon, and dealing with the challenges of hibernation.