The Secret Life: Jeffrey Dahmer is a chilling biographical movie that delves into the twisted mind of infamous serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. Through a series of graphic and disturbing events, the film explores his heinous crimes and the dark secrets that lay beneath his seemingly normal facade. With a focus on the psychological torment and brutality inflicted by Dahmer, this movie is not for the faint of heart.
Shut Up Little Man! An Audio Misadventure tells the story of two friends who become roommates and their constant conflicts with their noisy and homophobic neighbors in San Francisco. The documentary explores themes of friendship, tolerance, and the power of audio recordings in capturing human behavior.
AA tennis bum (Tony Franciosa) and his Malibu Beach buddies hang out with a TV actress (Jacqueline Bisset) headed for trouble.
Two stupid kids are threatened by a bomb on an exercise bike that can't go above 25 mph. If they simply stop pedaling and get off the bike, they'll be safe, but they're too stupid to realize it.
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