Lost Illusions is a drama movie set in 19th-century France. It follows the story of an aspiring poet who faces class differences, media manipulation, and disillusionment in the literary world. The movie explores themes of idealism vs cynicism, keeping up appearances, and the personal sacrifices one makes for ambition.
Captain Marie Jourdan invites her friend Commandant Paul Danceny to celebrate her 30th anniversary at the restaurant her husband Pierre just opened. The party is brutally interrupted when agents come to arrest their son Marc for murder.
A little town in the north of France, 1941. Blanche has three children. She worries about her husband Victor, who often goes out at night. Actually, Victor belongs to the Resistance. Soon, Blanche will be a resistant too. In the network, there is also Germinal, the hairdresser. His daughter Marie knows everything and asks to be part of it... Chronicle of the occupation and of the resistance through the eyes of the women.
This character study of a French patriot during the Nazi Occupation has comedian Noel as the chief of the underground who uses his hobby of growing orchids to hide his radio equipment.
End of High School, Beginning of Summer. A group of friends spend most of their time together, but little do they know that each and everyone of them has set their mind on pursuing one goal, the goal of every teenager : doing it for the first time. And sometimes the line between friendship, love and desire is really thin especially when you’re 15.
Clairette learns that Bérénice, a former mistress, is pursuing her husband in the army where he is recalled. She puts on the sergeant's uniform and after a few entanglements reconciles with her husband while Bérénice consoles herself with the captain.
At the age of 16, Tristan falls in love with Camille in a sanatorium where they are both nursing their asthma. Camille eventually dies, leaving Tristan alone with their son Alexis. The young father is faced with a great responsibility and decides to take matters into his own hands by working and studying literature to write a novel. He falls in love with Gaëlle, his literature teacher.
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