Ricky 6 is a dark comedy crime movie set in a small town. It follows the story of Ricky, an adopted child who becomes involved in murder, satanism, and drug use. As Ricky's delusions and drug use escalate, he spirals deeper into darkness and faces the consequences of his actions.
A teenager named Shane joins a group of outcast boys called the Black Circle Boys, who are involved in dangerous activities and worship a mysterious entity known as The Godfather. As Shane becomes more immersed in the group, he discovers the true extent of their darkness and must make a choice between loyalty and his own morals.
Disco Godfather (1979) tells the story of Tucker Williams, a former cop and now owner of a popular nightclub. When his nephew becomes addicted to a new deadly drug called "angel dust," Tucker takes it upon himself to clean up the streets and take down the drug dealers responsible. With his martial arts skills, determination, and disco moves, Tucker becomes the Disco Godfather, leading a relentless fight against drugs and corruption. Can he put an end to the drug epidemic and save his community?
A young man in Los Angeles dreams of striking it big as a singer in the music business. One day he gets signed to a big record contract, but along with the fame and money he develops an addiction to the drug PCP.
A brother and sister get caught up in the drug scene in their local high school, with tragic results.
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