My Breakfast with Blassie is a satirical comedy that follows the surreal meeting between Andy Kaufman and professional wrestler Fred Blassie. Kaufman plays himself, engaging in absurd and irreverent conversations with Blassie, resulting in a hilarious and unforgettable experience. The movie combines elements of parody, satire, and mock-documentary to create a unique and entertaining film.
I'm from Hollywood is a comedy documentary that follows the life and career of Andy Kaufman, a television star known for his unique and often controversial performances. The film provides an intimate look at his journey in the entertainment industry, his passion for professional wrestling, and his impact on popular culture.
A series of vignettes explores the impact of the late Andy Kaufman and his unique brand of comedy performance art on his many colleagues, fans and followers.
Stormy Justice is a comedy movie from 1979 featuring the hilarious Tony Clifton character. The film follows the misadventures of Clifton as he navigates through a series of comedic situations with his unique brand of humor. With its witty dialogue and sarcastic jokes, Stormy Justice is a must-watch for fans of Tony Clifton.
The Traveling Twosome, Louis and Char Magnifico, learn the ropes of professional wrestling from Traditional Championship Wrestling star, Alan Steel. After the training, they step in the ring for a mixed gender wrestling match you must see to believe. The documentary also includes an interview with Lynne Margulies - the late Andy Kaufman's girlfriend. It includes new footage of Kaufman from his wrestling career.
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