In the Aegean Sea, a Greek sponge diver named Phaedra discovers a statue of a boy riding a dolphin. This discovery sets off a series of events, including a treasure hunt, as multiple parties try to claim the valuable artifact. Along the way, Phaedra finds herself torn between her attraction to the wealthy and suave art dealer Victor, who promises her a better life, and her love for the humble and compassionate American archaeologist James, who appreciates the beauty of the statue for its historical significance. As the treasure hunt escalates, Phaedra must navigate a world of greed, deception, and class differences to protect the statue and ultimately find her own happiness.
A dance group rehearses for their latest performance Inabitáveis about black homosexuality. While the choreographer conducts research and gives guided tours, he meets Pedro, a young trans girl looking for her own means of expression. She desperately wants to be taught by him.
In this seven-hour presentation to 2,500 people at the Brixton Academy in London, David addresses all these questions and connects the dots between them to reveal a picture of life on earth that is truly beyond the cutting edge.
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