In a war-torn world where ancient civilizations and advanced technology coexist, a young boy named Van finds himself in possession of a powerful mechanical creature called a Zoid. With the help of his friends, Van must navigate through the chaos of war and uncover the secrets of the ancient Zoids to bring peace to the planet.
Rose, a half-human and half-vampire guardian, and her vampire princess friend, Lissa, are enrolled in St. Vladimir's Academy. They must navigate the dangers of high school, train to become protectors of the Moroi, and uncover the mysteries hidden within the ancient race.
After Chloe King turns sixteen, she discovers that she has special powers and is part of an ancient race called the Mai. She must learn to navigate the dangerous world of supernatural beings and face various challenges while trying to protect her loved ones. Set in San Francisco, California, Chloe's journey explores themes of identity, family, and friendship.
An insurance investigator begins searching for a missing novelist and finds himself in a hidden world of horror as the line between fiction and reality blurs.
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