The Last Frontier is a compelling drama set in the Wyoming Territory during the American Civil War. It follows the story of a fur trapper and a US Army captain who must navigate their differences and face dangerous challenges, including an attempted assassination and confrontations with American Indian tribes.
Epic remake of a Native American film originally done 100 years ago about a Shoshone band who lived in a secluded valley in the 1860's, during the time of the last 'free' roaming Native Americans in the midst of the US Civil War. They are discovered by a group of Union soldiers and squatters and forced to move from their home. They are moved from valley to valley as the Union takes more and more of their land in a plan to eradicate the country of 'savages' exterminating all Native Americans. But there is hope when the band find a new beginning.
In the Canadian Northwest, the Chippewa tribe struggles to find food before the onset of winter.
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