Kaili Blues is a mesmerizing film that follows a doctor named Chen on a journey through dreams and reality. With stunning long takes and poetic storytelling, Chen navigates through his past and present in search of his nephew, Weiwei. As the boundaries between dreams and reality blur, the film explores themes of time, memory, and the cyclical nature of life.
Audition (1964) is a documentary that follows a young rock band in Czechoslovakia during the 1960s. The film captures their music rehearsals, short stories, experimental film techniques, and the twists and turns of their journey in the music industry. It explores themes of youth, passion, and the challenges faced by amateur musicians in a changing society.
A movie about Czechoslovak border guards trying to arrest the famous escapee called "King of the Sumava".
An orchestra of working-class musicians rehearses in this short film, honored at the 1960 Venice Film Festival and among the favorite films of director Krzysztof Kieslowski who mentored under this documentary's director.
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