The Speed Cubers is a heartwarming documentary that follows the extraordinary journey of two world champion Rubik's Cube solvers. It explores their unique bond as they compete in judged competitions, overcoming challenges and forming an unlikely friendship. Through their story, the film delves into themes of fair play, alternative education, and the power of dedication.
La vida en un hilo (1945) is a comedy movie set in Madrid, Spain. It follows the story of a woman living a monotonous and boring life. One rainy day, her life takes an unexpected turn when she makes a series of bad decisions that lead her to meet a flautist, a sculptor, and an architect. As she explores an alternative life filled with cringe-worthy moments, she learns to embrace the unpredictable and finds herself on a journey of self-discovery.
In a society where heterosexuals are persecuted and abortion is forbidden, two teens are forced to hide an unintended pregnancy before their secret romance is exposed.
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